Thomas McCreary's trailer trash page Since this stupid hick wants to stalk me, provoke and slander on me and or getting campaign of bullying on me?. I decided to bring back this page and IT STAYS negotiation is over. I will not respond to his threats anymore. So this fat hick Thomas McCreary IV (4th failure) love defaming me???. I will play his game to that living abortion. Go a head post my arts you fat wife beating fuck. WARNING PAGE DOES CONTAIN OFFENSIVE MATERIALS. All material are ranging semi-copyrighted to fully copyrighted... This page is a mixture of truth and black comedy. |
Similar (HERE) and (HERE) | |||
Also this page is about SHAMING this scumbag bully womanizing trailer trash criminal terrorist who steals people's copyrighted materials... Brought to you by The Vintage Inbred Zone He hates freedom of speechs and will stalk, threaten, sexually offend people who doesn't agree with him. Guess what he is a sport hunter pieces of shit. He crossed the line and once this page is finished... IT STAYS!!! Yes he is a stupid republiKKKlan farmer. He still attack people. back talk etc. So technically he started everything this fat fuck. He will stalk people, post people's family members and steal copyrighted stuff if you don't agree with this cocksucker.... So he fucked with the wrong guy and then opens the floodgate. Also this idiot deleted / mostly the stolen stuff and harassment to hide himself. He been posting the stuff he infringed, including posting family member pics on I never harassed that freak, he started. People fucking with me, I get even with them...He must really hate his own kids when he waste hours harassing me and other animal lovers instead of being with his white-trash of a family of his... Even his stupid cunt slut whore wife of his acted immature and defended this trash.. So they are both dysfunctional.. So this page stays. His kids are spawns not kid. They will grow up stupid as this fat POS Besides it is his fault for posting pictures of his house and making guessing games. His phone number is NOT private. Looks like inbred hick Thomas McCreary is still harassing people and more people are shaming this asshole. Check out a page made by someone who got fedup of Thomas bs. Children under his "care" are mostly likely to grow up as druggies, drunkards, bullies, wife beaters and criminals. Also I hope his children get taken away by the CPS and put in foster home away from this sexual predator freak. |
Reasons of the return of this page | |||
Reasons???? It is simple. This fat fuck broke the deal and provoked me when I didn't talk to this perverted POS. DATE: Tue June 02 2015.. I didn't reply to that thread. Is gone now since Brandon Carter the mental case spew hatred and got a nice facebook ban. |
About him. | |||
Thomas McCreary IV - 4th failure spawn of his inbred hick father who incest his sister and spawning Thomas. Fatty last year. 2014s Thomas McCreary today, fatter, getting grey hair and look older than his age. 2015s, boy he ages soo fast. I know I am stressing this fat fuck soo much... He love to slander, harass and stalk people??? I do the same. Thomas McCreary born on September 22 1976, trailer trash older than me and not even acting his age. He is a bigot, racist, a hypocrite, misogynist, homophobic, terrorist, thief, stalker, criminal, drug addict, womanizer and a racist. He is a racist because he defends them. Defends that racist bitch Kendall Jones from Shithole town somewhere in Texas where is dominated by racist Southern republiKKKlans. This womanizer who is married to his hick wife wants to fuck Kendall Jones and he values Kendall above Jeannette. Again as his obsession of having sex with that bimbo bitch kendall Jones while he has a wife Jeanette McCreary .. He's fat and unhealthy. He attack vegetarians that fat pieces of shit, stupid farmer like him kills lots of plants with machines, cows eating it, eating it and he is a republican hick who in favor for burning forests (forest thinning project) cutting down forests and forests roads.. He hates shit without knowing that he does it himself. apparently he's a bipolar and sociopathic.... He shows symptoms of it, such as copycat people, spamming the same thing such as countdown until hunting season starts, bullies people who disagree with him, stalk him, sexual deviance such He lacks of a life and does a countdown. I don't pick on people with mental disabilities but when they take advantage of it to harass people. I will pick on the INDIVIDUAL doing it not generalizing the whole group because I'm not a fucking hick. A friend sent this. Also this fat pig has a creepy obsession and has nothing better to do but spamming a forum or page with a stupid dumb countdown because he is BORED AT LIFE and has nothing else to do but trolling pages and bragging to show his insecurity and how much his dumbass' life sucks hard balls.. Example saying, "20 days until hunting", next day "19 days until hunting".. does this stupid countdown crap. Worst part is he brags about it and spams it every days. I don't attack people with disabilities but when they brag, harass people to get attention then I attack the INDIVIDUAL not every people with disabilities because I know they are not all like that. Anyone with a working brain knows that. This is how his wife beating, child molesting sexual deviant racist drunkard father rose him, When I love something I don't spam it non stop.. I don't spam my hobby. I show my hobby if people ask me. I am not attacking every people with disabilities. I only attack the TYPE who seeks pityness, seeking attention and harassing others by thinking they are better than others. This hick stated he has kids and he goes around asking people to masturbate over his pic. I am sure if I was a minor he would still say that around kids, Typical Phil Robertson supporter. A fucking sick fuck who created Fuck Dynasty and dated an underage and advocate underage marriage. This stupid white trash of a father of his have NOT taught him nanners. Hunters only want kids for them to hunt, they will NEVER teach them manners. He thinks he can slander on me, humiliate me and thinking I wouldn't do shit??? He is WRONG, dead wrong... I don't back down and I will fight back. This fat bastard even uses his daughter's cellphone to browse my site and steal copyrighted shit. He is putting his own daughter behind all this. What a horrible parent he is. Common behavior that sportsmen makes the world's WORST parents... Unless he is lying about the daughter phone to make me stop, too bad, he fucked the wrong guy and he is still a horrible parent, a wife beater, drug addict and a child neglecter.
Also Thomas is from New Jersey. Since he loves stalking and threatening people. He threatened me so I post his loc. I hope he get arrested. Plus he slandered one, reason I slandered on him cus he slander on many people who doesn't agree with him. A death threat from fat fuck. Found another death threat screenshot from this fat POS. I get even. His phone number 908-8xx-xx72 Zipcode 08807 His facebook is FALSE CLAIMS THAT HE LIVES THERE I gave this trash many warning but he failed, so he will be shamed and he will suffer for his crimes. REAL CLAIMS THAT HE LIVES THERE Why his "claimed" house changed color??? It's blue and below becomes white. Claiming that he has a nicer small house than this trailer POS. Recent photograph of Thomas McKKKreary smoking meth. It must be the reason of this 41 years old acting like a 9 years old. Having a sexual perversion on older ladies and trying to make a sexual move on other women while he's marry to his slutty wife. He fantasize Hillary Clinton in a bikini and have a boner over her. He probably have a small dick, and showing further more of his perversion. Some bragging about it usually means the other way around in this fat fuck's case.
The pervert even owns or work in a shitty bar called Murphy's Shamrock Inn | |||
His shitty bar is getting lots of negative reviews when this asshole admitted to have shot Pedals the bear that walked on 2 legs, there are some unclaim source that sexual deviant pos shot the bear... He incite trouble and anger and cries when people retaliate.... Since he bullied me and people, he deserves those threats made by those people, Fuck Thomas and fuck his trashy family. I hope the worst for this sexual predator... I am sure Thomas McKKKreary the way he acts he's a sexual offender or possibly even a child molester.. He goes around calling people rapist, child molesters, pervert if they disagree with hunting... Hey trophy hunters aka poachers pos who goes to Africa and exploits children (like the article in the url below says). If you see soo many hunters that are sexist, stalk people ,stalk children and says sexual shit to them... Inbred hunters are often sexual deviants and like this POS Thomas McCreary is a peverted misogynist and and even had vasectomy because he could NOT control his urges, this bastard stalked my family. humilated them and said lots of derogatory and Xrated shit to them etc... I will keep on posting that link to make these child predator hicks cry a river. So go and rate 1 star to that bar ran by a sexual predator. >>> <<< Hey it has already have lots of negative reviews, Let give it more. Also remember don't go to that shitty bar run by a sexual predator, cyberbully, cyberstalker, misogynist, racist, liar and drunken pos Thomas McCreary who stalk people's family including their children. Hey Thomas if you read this, Your uncle Patrick McCreary deserve it... You pick on the wrong person, you pay the price. |
Censoring him = Freedom of speech | |||
Thomas you should thank me for being the freedom warrior. Censoring freedom haters like you = Freedom of speech. Relax you lardo fatisto I just exercised my freedom of speech by CENSORING YOU since you bully people expressing their opposition to hunting without attacking.. You go on a tirade and attack people. Hey Thomas McGreedy relax I was just exercising my freedom of speech by CENSORING you freedom hater. I make a lot of inbred sport hunters mad by saying "Censoring you = freedom of speech" They love censoring people???? I play fair. Take that Thomas McTrashy |
Thomas McCreary **HATES** His family and his kids | |||
Yes Thomas McCreary hates his family, hates his wife and his spawns... He rather waste hours and HOURS trolling animal rights page, stalking people, making fake accounts, lying and pissing off people and he goes cries when people fight back. This fat fuck doesn't realise a false police report is a CRIME.. He goes harassing people and when people are pissed and shame this fat sexual deviant and possibly wife beater he goes around saying I'll call the cops... Guess what fat fuck....False police report scares DOESN'T WORK anymore. Instead of asking "He'll stop" he makes people madder by making false police report to "shut the people off" Besides this fat drunken child hating hick is the aggressor. He is a horrible parent who troll people website but because he's a fucking coward he uses his OWN daughter's cellphone and when I block her IP for "trolling my site" he calls me a hacker, a pedophile etc. It is NOT illegal to post an IP and ban an IP... The IP is shown on sites. If you edit wikipedia your IP shows unless you registers so as other sites.... Thomas you mind call them pedophiles you fucking dipshit since they "stalk" your IP.... Thomas is a horrible parent who only spawn to repeat the cycle and once his spawns grows up they will be assholes like this fat fuck. Thomas is the drunken, sexual deviant, abusive, stalker and possibly a criminal who does illegal shit on the net and in rl. He is an example of what I think that fat fuck respond to his bitch wife. Jeannette McCreary : Hey you wanna be with the kids? Thomas McCreary : Shut up you slut before I beat you... I'm busy trolling Cedric and the other antis. Jeannette McCreary : Thomas you need to learn your responsibilities.. You have children and a wife. Thomas McCreary : I will beat you up bitch and ground the kids if you don't leave me alone you idiot. Jeannette McCreary : Fine!!!! Thomas McCreary : What manners is trolling him and stealing his furry work. Fat fuck Thomas McCreary made a fake account to troll and stalk me because I got his real blocked / banned for his harassment.. Thomas has no life.. His fake account Thomas has no life and is a loser making more false account since his real possibly got disabled as he cannot post on other facebook's pages aside his own. new fake account. (Riverview Hunt Club) Worst part is this psychopath friends himself. Also he claims to be a real estate. Also you can go there and rate it one star. Dene Wedderspoon aka the racist bitch is no better who lashes at me and calls me a hypocrite while she is siding with an asshole doing everything she "opposes" and YES I shamed Dene Wedderspoon for bullying me etc. She is involving in Thomas Harassment, I saw that whore thumbing up his slanderous shit. You see is an example what that fat fuck rather do... Troll people than being with his inbred hick family. Yet when an inbred hunter slander on you and says things like that, everything they say means they do it themselves but blames on others. Here is an example, Henry the Horse / Dogs of WAR aka Jamie Card is a sexual deviant and a child molester. Inbred sport hunters POS still worship this asshole. Henry the horse had lots of sexist, women-hating bigotry and he even called a 8 year old girl a "cunt". was some petition he cries about..... This asshole cries about "people stalking and stealing hunter's children pics" Look at this freak on Henry the Shit who does it non stop. I was right all along, Thomas McCreary is a sexual deviant who produces spawns. And cannot control his urge.. This fat POS called me a sexual deviant. Everything false a hunter says means they do it themselves. Look at this fat fucker. He had a vasectomy. You may say WTF is a vasectomy. Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for male sterilization and/or permanent contraception. During the procedure, the male vas deferens are severed and then tied/sealed in a manner so as to prevent sperm from entering into the seminal stream (ejaculate) and thereby prevent fertilization. Is something inbred hicks needs since they're mindless and cannot control their urge to produce spawns. Lots of hunters had vasectomy. So this fat fuck should watch before calling people untrue names... I don't need vasectomy. I need something I have Is called SELF-CONTROL.... Something rednecks inbred hicks DON'T HAVE!!!! This hick cannot use a condom nor her skank wife use birth control. Hunters claims to be conservationist and they blow their cash on safaris, vasectomy and other irrevelant crap and donates ZERO to make the world a better place for wildlife.
Lots of sport hunters are sexual deviants, misogymists, sexists, stalkers and perverts. Brandon Carter is an example of a sexual deviant, stalker, pervert and possibly a child molester stalking my family.
Sport hunters tend to have a higher chance to have a DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY than normal people. Check their behavior, they act child like even if they're in their 60s... they had horrible parents who only spawned these assholes so they hunt and trap but never taught them manners nor respect.. If you wonder why Disney, Movies, Comics, Others portray hunters as stupid, as the bad guy and cruel. Is because they act like that in real life. Thomas McCreary must be a sex offender since he obsess on stalking people including children.. He harrass people, stalk their families etc... Makes sexual insults to both adults and children so he is a sick freak and a pos. Hey misogyny, sexual deviance, abuse and sexism among hunters is a VERY COMMON THING!!!! Lots of inbred hick hunters from shitsville are often sexist, racist, perverts, and says derogatory and Xrated shit. they even says this shit toward underage / children that uses facebook, other chat websites etc. |
Death Artwork | |||
Alcoholism and child-like behavior | |||
Things get worse. |
Thomas McCreary's sexual deviance? | |||
Thomas McCreary inside his house he never wear clothes even infront of his hick family and his spawns. Thomas McCreary sexual deviance and possible child abuse? If some late 30 yrs old hick act like that, is obvious he does the same shit infront of his spawns. Thomas masturbate to my arts. He admitted it because everything a hick like him says that isn't true on you means they do it themselves. He goes around talking shit and accusing people of being sexual deviance while he's one. Remember everything THAT an inbred sport hunter says to you that isn't true means they do it themselves but blames it upon you. He calls people pedophilia while he does everything he says but put it on others the fat hick... |
He stalks me, I stalk him. | |||
If he loves stalking people soo badly, I can play fair to this inbred fat fuck who obsess on his enemies. This page is not obsessing on him, is HATING and SHAMING him. LEGAL NOTICE: Everything listed are NOT private, not private means NOT illegal. Residence at 203 Riverview Rd to Thomas McCreary IV and Jeanette McCreary from James Musacchio. $400,000. Thomas (F)uck McCreary IV 908-864-4472 Thomas goes on dating sites while he already has a wife.. He wants to fuck Kendall Jones soo badly since Jeannette is too old. - Oh yeah!! Since he love stalking me soo much I can say. Further more info. |
Health problems | |||
He has numerous health problems such as diabetes, extreme obesity, osteoporosis, collapsable bone syndrome. He is bipolar, schizophrenic from thinking rocks are alive., and attention deficit disorder. He also have undiscoverted cysts or cancer possibly terminal cancer showing no symptoms.......... YET. He also suffers from "greendice" green version of Jaundice. |
What goes around comes around!! Looks like Karma bite this hick's ass again... Since McCreary bullied me and libel against me.. GOOD RIDDANCE !!!!!... Fuck Thomas McCreary and fuck his worthless inbred family of his.. I feel nothing. Stupid trailer trash hick got what he deserved for being a stupid pieces of shit, a good acciddent caused by his stupidity.... I am sure is a hunting accident. Guess what. Cigarette smoking was the cause of his death. Thomas thinks it bother me to stalk people, stalk me and lie?? It doesn't.. BUT I know it bothers him a LOT when I post that.. He keep on blocking me. If he hates it soo much, then don't fucking fuel the people... He fails to harass me, I put more of his POS family. Since he love stalking other people's family... Hunters are not just animal stalkers, they're people stalker and sexual predators. |
This stupid hick claims of not caring. WRONG he lost a hunting season and probably sat on his fatass all day trolling random people. (click the pics to enlarge) Good ol hunting accident.......... Or maybe his injuries was from his excess weight from standing and causing his feet to collapse. |
Trailer Trash and his hickery? | |||
Reminds me of a film. His hick family neighborhood. His older sons from the first wife (his sister) he inbred with. He had at least 16 kids and 6 wives. His wife Jeanette M Kuczbanski farted soo hard. He's a fat pieces of shit. Actually he steals random people picture riding a motorcycle since this fat pieces of shit can't ride one himself because he is morbidly obese. He even destroyed his stupid bike due to excess weight.. Fatass's computer chair. SOLUTION??? Fat car for fat people. Fat computer chair for fat people. The place where he shoots drugs and does hard drugs and booze. Teaches his kids to smoke and drink. Location is 108 N Rosewell Ave, South Amboy, NJ 08879, USA. He also thinks that rocks are alive and will protect his crummy gar-fucking-den. This psychopath thinks those rocks are alive. |
White Trashism | |||
His hick trailer living white trash hillbilly Southern family. His late grandfather who died of radiation and radon poisoning. His daugher's real face without her mask she always wear to hide her real face on Thomas McCreary's wife facebook pic page. Roy L. " Rocky " Dennis is normal looking compare to Thomas daughter without her mask. Her HORRIBLE writing. His whorric slut sister. His fat anti-depressant abusing aunt His other sister who died of diabetes. His second daughter failing to exercise. Jeannette McCreary doing some excercise |
RescueRangers busted this stalker's ass. Since Thomas love stealing people's work | |||
He has several phone numbers or something Since this trailer trash love to stalk people, bully people, steal their work now is our turn to get even. Also his phone is the same as this car dealer LEGAL NOTICE : His number is LISTED and is NOT illegal to link to it . |
Thomas McKKKreary got his ass KICKED | |||
Got reported. Hey fat fuck I'm just exercizing my freedom of speech by CENSORING a freedom hating hick like you Thomas |
Archery, hunting, bigot, racist, homophobic, hypocrite, corruption, pedophile, sexual deviant, autistic, servant, racism in America United States, stalker, Cyberbully, sport hunter, bowhunting, sadistic, Jeanette, womanizer, womanizing, pervert, criminal, thief, slanderous, Kendall Jones, sexual predator, bowhunter, GOP, republican, hatred, archery, child abuse, stalker, 08807-1570, Christian, PseudoChristian, Thomas McCreary IV,, New Jersey, mrfyslaw,,,,, MCCREARYIV,, DJ Touchstone Intern at Northwestern Electric Cooperative Mandy Delp Vincennes University Molly McCreary Middlesex Community College Colleen McCreary Pretto Houck Genevieve McCreary South Amboy, New Jersey Patrick McCreary Indiana, Pennsylvania Cathy McCreary Karuzis Katie McCreary Jeanette McCreary Rutgers · Bridgewater, New Jersey